Thursday, February 6, 2014

Equality vs. Identical in Marriage

“Equality is all too often used to mean ‘identity’; that is, that two equal things must be identical to each other.” This is so true in today’s world that people think of equality as meaning that we should be identical. No two people are identical.  Even identical twins are not identical in their personalities, thoughts and feelings. 

Men and women are not going to be identical – we are different, we are meant to be different, but we can still be equal. Genesis 3:16 states that Adam is to “rule over” Eve this in Hebrew can be translated to actually mean “rule with”. President Hunter tells us, “The Lord intended that the wife be…a companion equal and necessary in full partnership.”  By understanding the true meaning of equality, as spouses, we can learn to help each other in our steward-ships.  We don’t just each do our job equally well.  We help so that we do our jobs together.  Men can help with the rearing of the children and women can help either directly or indirectly with the supporting of the family.  Research shows us that by working equally, we will have more satisfaction in our marriage.  “An important reason for equal partners having greater satisfaction is that they have less negative interaction and more positive interaction in their relationship.”

If we work together as equal partners, we will find joy in our marriage which ultimately will help fulfill Heavenly Father’s desire for us to have joy.

Source: “Successful Marriages and Families” by Hawkins et al. (Ch. 4)

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